Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Can Cook: Blue Apron Week 1

Last year, I was really excited to discover Freshocracy: a program that delivers exactly what you need to create 3 meals for 2 people using fresh, locally sourced food. It was perfect for a newbie chef like me with little time to go shopping and to spend figuring out weekly meals. Then, they mysteriously disappeared. I was so disappointed. Then, I recently discovered Blue Apron. The same service- but cheaper!! I immediately opened up an account and eagerly awaited my delivery.

Well my friends, I was not disappointed. My groceries arrived and I started cooking away. They were amazing, I couldn't believe I had cooked them. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll let them take it from here (recipes included!)...

Arugula Pesto Pasta with Chicken and Castelvetrano Olives

I'm so happy to have discovered this fantastic service, and will keep you posted!